Secure Microelectronics Modernization

What is Zero Trust Legacy Modernization?
Are you tired of worrying about the security of your legacy microelectronics? Let our team of experts take the reins and modernize your technology with the latest in cybersecurity hardening and cutting-edge technology.
At Chip Scan, we're equipped with state-of-the-art advancements, including Deep Lift for rapid reverse engineering, Hardware-up for transforming software functionality into hardware, and ESPY, our military-grade vulnerability remediation capability, all of which allow us to bring your legacy design up to modern standards. Whether you need function-for-function resurrection or want to fix long-standing hardware bugs, integrate new ciphers, or reduce the attack surface, our team will work with you to ensure your chip is secure and up-to-date.
Don't leave your microelectronics vulnerable to sophisticated cyber attacks. Trust Chip Scan to protect your technology and secure your future.

What are your alternatives without Chip Scan?
Aftermarket Brokers
Reclamation of Parts
Emulation of Form-Fit-Function

How does Chip Scan's Zero Trust Legacy Modernization work?

Level up your security today

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